
If you would like to send us a message, just follow the prompts and we will play it On-Air

General guidance

  • Consider your background. On location is great, although keep away from loud Traffic.
  • Lighting is important. We recommend recording during the daytime for natural lighting.
  • Speak clearly and smile.
This interview is currently unavailable. Please ask the person who sent you this link to check their video interview settings.

Start Your Message 😛


Privacy Policy

By completing this online video Message, you are granting us permission to securely store and use your video for On-Air publicity

You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time as per our data protection policy. If you have any questions on how your video will be used get in touch.


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We can't record the interview without access to your webcam. Please click on the security lock or the camera icon at the top left of your browser and allow access to your webcam and microphone.
No audio input detected.

Please record in landscape mode.

All Done 😄.

You may use the above navigation bar to playback your answers and retake if necessary.

Please leave this page open until the upload is finished.
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Please navigate back through your answers to ensure all recordings have been completed and check your internet connection before retrying the upload.

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If using a Mobile, just upload your Video